Friday 2 July 2010

No long thing!

Not a long one today. My N900 is going in for repairs and typing on an
iPhone just isn't as much fun. I'll say this though:

1. I can't honestly count things I've been faithful to the way I've
been to this blog this few months. Apart from the phone, knowing that
nobody reads it or that the ones that read don't know it is I is
certainly a blessing there (I'm so shy I will quit the day I am outted).

2. It sure is easier to type on the N900 than on an iPhone. My first
ever phone was a Nokia 3300: big, ugly but efficient. My N900 fits
that bill too but for one thing - it's not just a phone to me where as
I still classify my jailbroken, unlocked iPhone as.... just a phone.

3. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. What intrigues me is how when He
forgives He also forgets. As in no more remembrance of your sins
whatsoever. In fact they never happened as far as as He is concerned.
One of these days the measure of the Holy Ghost in me will make it
possible for me to actually forget the wrongs committed against me (I
plan to make heaven after all).

Wait a minute sef... I don't get it. Or, I get parts of it but the
parts I understand only make understanding the whole harder. Like
since God is omniscient he must know all things - past, present and
future, then forgetting is either a conscious choice on his part or
forgetting means even though he remembers he doesn't count it against
me (the latter isn't really forgetting now is it?). Add Karma (or
you'll reap what you sow) into the mix and things get a little more

So apart from been absolved of the "eternal" consequences of my sins
(and the apparent fringe benefits of the aforementioned absolution),
what exactly is forgiveness?

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