Saturday 10 July 2010

brides, bride-grooms, 42s

"A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven" John 3:27

"He that hath the bride is the bridge-groom". I'm at the point in my life where I'm trying to clearly identify what life is all about. I'm pretty sure now that 42 isn't the answer but then again it's not that far off. Today, I read John 3 - you know that Nicodemus chapter but not really the Nicodemus part. Down the chapter we find John's disciples talking to him about Jesus and the baptisms that Jesus was "supervising" over on the other side of the Jordan. And John uttered the immortal phrase "A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven". He goes on to say some other cool stuff including the sentence "He must increase, and I must decrease". That's what life is really about - decreasing while God increases. There are different ways we'll get there and different ways we'll touch those around us while traveling there - some of my friends are already PhD holders, some are public health workers and some don't know what they are meant to be in life - but the destination is the same - "All of God and none of us".

John doesn't say a lot in the cause of the entire new testament but I'd like to have a bunk next to him in heaven. I get the feeling he'll sound just like my grandfather - Really smart/wise yet gentle and patient - I love them, both.

This last week wasn't bad by any means. Work has slowed down lately - it feels like when I first started working there as an intern. It's given me time to try and learn new stuff. I'm working on my next liftweb based website already and I'm planning when that's done to submerge myself in as much bio-informatic material as I can find on book24/7. The GC too is ended - woohoo - and with it it's many distractions. Yes, I ended up greeting all those naija dudes I was hoping to avoid and no, for some strange reason, they all didn't act surprise that the little boy in pants they once knew is now taller than the bulk of them. Or maybe they did but the amount of mental preparation for the onslaught over compensated for whatever discomfort such remarks would have otherwise caused.

Honestly, though, the GC was fun. There was family around especially since it coincided with July 4 and there were all these kids running around my place. I wish all weekends were like that (minus the financial aspect, of course).

I've been thinking about starting a second blog for programming, IT related posts. This here blog was meant to be that but it has somehow morphed into more of a personal, thank-God-it's-friday, soul searching blog. The thing is I'll have to blog the IT stuff under another name so I can get my friends to read up stuff there. Alternatively, I could come out of my shell here and just put IT stuff here too. Of course it would mean occasionally pissing off one audience of readers but it could actually end up breding a 3rd type of audience. Funny, though, cause right now the only audience is me... and perhaps a google spider or bot or whatever they call them these days.

Last time I ended up asking about forgiveness and what it really means. I think that eternity beats any other benefit. Sometimes, I bother too much with technicalities - curse of my trade perhaps. What I'm trying to say is that what really matters is that God gives me another chance in the eternal scheme of things. In the physical realm, I think life is more of an art than a science and that God is constantly having to retouch some part of the picture daily because of my foibles. Sometimes, he just completely dabs out the blot I made with the right about of color, and sometimes he lets time take care of the blot. Sometimes, I still suffer the physical consequence of my sins yet sometimes, in His mercy and infinite wisdom, he takes away the consequence of my failures so that the eternal goal won't be missed.

I wish I trusted God more each day. Life would be so much more fun that way - each day becomes one really cool roller coaster ride where you don't know where the next turn leads but you know that you'll get home safe. Now who won't want that kind of life!

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