Friday 10 September 2010

If I could...

I'm a realist (if there's such a word). I think that there are absolutes - God, his commandment, love - and there are relatives. I think the relative issues can be bent based on the circumstance in question. For instance, I tuck in my shirt when I go to work because the reality is that I need the money and the people God has put in the position to give me the money demand that I tuck it in. Let me rephrase this - I think that the absolutes determine the relatives. Ok, so I'm not a 'realist' - I'm a christian (after all I just mentioned God).

So, I was busy doing nothing as usual at work when I stumble onto a blog where the guy gives reasons for not buying into microsoft's silverlight. I realized then that I'm a bigot. You see, unlike this guy I make no apologies for my likes/dislikes. I think I am right just because I feel I am and not necessarily because some sane logic demands it.

I hate labels. Only the psychologists realize what the boundaries are for each temperament - and I bet the most honest of them would tell you it's all just good guess work. For instance, I'm the one person that can't count his chickens before they hatch. In my mind, as long they aren't hatched, something can still go wrong. So I'm a pessimist. Yet I'm also the one who supports the stingiest team in england in terms of financial dealings. In fact, I don't just support Arsenal but I expect them to win the league every season - I've done so the last 5 years with no return. I'm not sure if this falls into the bigotry or the optimist category. They say Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I guess that would make me insane - an insane optimist or an insane bigot. Or is it just that I'm conceited?

It would be a fair conclusion now to say I'm confused. But you won't be saying anything new - trust me (or just read the disclaimer under the blog title). The really wierd thing is that someone out there had the privilege to look at my life from beginning to end. And He saw something someone he liked loved loves. He realized there was no way on earth I survive destined as I was for death from birth. So He gave up his own life on the extremely slight chance (worse than one in a googol) that I would take up his offer and live the life that He was destined for instead.

So here's a deal of a lifetime, absolutely free (no conditions in fine print), and perfectly suited for me. I'd have to be a fool to not jump at it, wont I?! Hmmm... fool... let's hope that isn't the label that sticks for eternity.

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