Wednesday 1 August 2012

There's Poland, then there's Scandinavia

So... 3 months eh... that's how long it has taken me to recover from the beating Quemi's better half gave me for offering her the avenue (this blog) to rant. And what about Quemi? I don't know... who would go near her after that beating I received.

By the way I hope you noticed the choice of words in the paragraph above - first I was given, then I received the said beating. The more sinister among you may infer that I got beat twice. Let's just say I won't refute that conclusion. Whether the reticence I now display when it comes to indulging you thus is a product of my actually been beat up twice or the magnitude of the possible one-time beating is also left to your discretion.

Anyway, I'm still alive sha - and Quemi still has access to this blog. Now whether that is because I'm scared that removing her access to it would result in another round of beating or I'm just been stubborn is up for debate. As I was the one that was beat up and not Quemi I shall now desist from pursuing further the subject of my been beat up. Apart, of course, from mentioning that the husband of the aforementioned Quemi has apologized to me now on more than one occasion - no doubt at Quemi's request. I swear (against years of good Christian upbringing no less) that Quemi's hold over the man no longer surprises me to be honest. What does surprise me though is the amount of pain she appears to not see on my face each time the husband approaches me to offer one of his many 'heart felt' apologies. If I didn't know better I'd conclude that Quemi is using the opportunity to punish both of us: her husband for having the effrontery and indecency to beat me up in public; me for some unknown childhood sin I must have committed against her.

On to weightier matters though, I've now spent 1 year at my current place of work. My boss actually had to remind me as I had completely forgotten. I'd planned to go see a movie to celebrate but I could not get the Mrs. to buy into the idea - she muttered something about forgetting our engagement anniversary and yet remembering my work anniversary. In the words of some old sage - you win some you lose some. Seriously, I like it at my current office and I've had a great one year. I totally grateful to God. I'm even inclined to stand up in church next sabbath to 'testify' of it naija style but let's leave it at that - inclination.

I was talking to my Uncle the other day about Barrack and how I felt history would remember him as been a much better president than the vast majority of Americans now think of him. I think this would be partly because his achievements, or lack there-of, would be looked at against the back drop of the huge 'hatred' and utter lack of 'agreeableness' (I can't believe the spell-checker didn't flag that word) that his political opponents have displayed during the 4 years of his tenure. From an Adventist perspective though, the division of state and religion could not gotten any clearer than during his tenure (it's a joke my people, please take it easy). Part of me wants to see him have a second term just to see how much his style morphs under the lack of pressure of running for second term. But then again my Uncle and I agree that it may also be for the best of the country if a Romney in office heralds a government that is united in solving America's problems rather than bickering about imagined political bends and what not. Then again it could be argued that a Romney victory is a victory for the spread of FUD.

There are two things ways I look at it.
  • God truly is an remarkable God. If I had half of his power and fore-sight, He knows I won't have created free will or the ability to abuse it :)
  • Someone needs to tell Romney that for every one Poland there are a few Scandinavian countries. In fact for every Poland there's a Greece, Spain, Portugal. While for every Norway there's a ..... Denmark?
Okay I think I confused myself with that last point. Decipher at your peril... or not :)

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