Friday 17 August 2012

Absolutely nothing...

"I will never you nor forsake you". Heb 13:5

This is about my 2nd week reading the book of Hebrews. I started chapter 13 this morning and I immediately started enjoying the book. I'm not sure if it the fact that I was reading the last chapter or if I finally received revelation. The latter part of chapter 12 does talk about profanity in the same context as not valueing what is sacred as sacred so no more bible jokes. Sometimes the bible can feel like one massive kill joy - the keyword is "feel". There's a large junk of Romans 6 that talks about dying with Christ (Meg's going to start rolling her eyes now) and been dead to sin. That chapter strips the bible of all it's kill-joyness for me. Suddenly like David God's law becomes perfect. The lightness of the burden that Jesus offers in place of mine becomes a reality and all's well that ends well. Because it is no longer Paul (sorry, but I could not resist) that lives but Christ that lives through me - and nothing is impossible for God.

I think I wrote that last chapter for ME. To remind me of the freedom and power that God has deposited in me through Christ. I went a sizeable part of this week asking God for his peace and telling him that I wanted to feel his presence. Well this morning it strikes me (in proper church speak - the spirit spoke to me) that God has been faithful in all the things I've asked him and part of the work with Christ is trusting him when we cannot see or feel him. Knowing and experiencing God is a beautiful thing.

I want to say something about Meg but nothing comes to mind. F course this can get me in trouble. It's almost like you are so enamoured by something and you want the world to know but you are speechless so you take a pen and write "I love Meg" (google or lifetyme Meg?!) on ur tee shirt and then go stand in the middle of the intersection of 10th street and West Peachtree St in downtown ATL. It's new territory for me (and I've been around for almost 3 decades).

Anyway RvP has gone to the dark side. I don't know where Man.U bought their voodoo dolls but their influence on the-player-who-used-to-be-a-potential-legend is undeniable. Part of me (chalk it down to the old man) almost wishes he hurts himself scoring an own goal (the only goal too) when the Manc come visiting the emirates. There's something obviously wrong with Planet Earth and football is even close to the solution.

I'm not sure how to end today's blog post (blog post actually rhymes with compost)

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