Friday, 25 June 2010

I walked today....

The days fly by so fast sometimes. It's times like this that make you appreciate the plea to God that He should teach us to number our days. Life is truly an amazing gift. Sometimes when I pause to think about it(which obviously is a rarity), I can't help apologizing to God for how I've so abused it (life that is). The way I understand it, God and I want the same thing. It's just that I have the nasty habit of not thinking it through (or thinking at all) while God apparently has already thought out all the kinks before hand. I guess that's why Jesus could offer to give life more abundant - He's not only seen it all but he understands it...

Ok! So I played whirly ball on Wednesday and I totally loved it. My thigh's still aching but I don't mind. Talking about outings there's this girl at my office that's always impressed with my impeccable taste in food. What she doesn't realize yet is that I almost always order the same thing - some kind of fish, salmon for example, along with veggies. The other thing she doesn't realize is that one of the main reasons I always cjoose the same thing is that I'm fed up with all the concortions with fancy names that these oyinbo people manage to come up with. When I first got to the states I used to want to try out everything. But where boarding school (naija style) and growing up with my grandma failed, oyinbo people have been more than a success. Now, I can claim to be allegic to food without an aorta of guilt (claim is the keyword). Reminds of this one time I was a guest of a french chef who was complaining about how american bread sucks... for the sake that I was his guest I won't comment on his french bread or even mention that it sucked too!

I'm also not going to talk about the world cup just yet. You see, my granddad raise me well. When I was a kid I so wanted to watch games and he so didn't let me. I remember now that famous phrase of his about 22 grown ups chasing one small object around and then the rest of us screaming how heads off. Now that I'm a little older, sadly, I'm turning to a grump like him. I still love football as a sport (I still play with people older than myself every other sunday) but I'm just not that worked up about stuff I'm not physically involved in - sorry!

As for the GC (if you are not adventist you can skip this rant), part of me doesnt want to see all these naija folks at the GC. They'll asking questions (and the good Lord knows I've got way too much skeletons in my wardrobe to be strutting my stuff in public - some dark secret just might slip out). More over, I dont know how the church ever came to the conclusion that holding such large meetings was a sweet idea. For once, the papacy has got this kind of stuff down to a science - only congregate when the pope dies and another one has to be chosen. Lamenting, though isn't going to change anything - the GC's started, my grandma's all worked up about it and inevitably, I'll end up greeting all these nice older folk that knew me when I was running around in diapers (apparently they almost all would mention that self-same fact).

I like me a whole lot of Jennifer Knapp. I still can't believe she's you-know-what. She has incredible talent. One author says that her old songs wont sell in this day and age because CCM has been watered down since she when her last album came out. One small problem I have with that logic is there are people like me that still like her songs even now. But then again I'm also now listening to Aaron Neville's "close your eyes". I'm so old school, it's unbelievable.

So here we have us another week. I wish it could go a little slower. There's so much I'd like to do - so much I'm not doing. Perhaps, that's a sign that I'm trying too hard. Now there's a thought.

Friday, 18 June 2010

tonite, on the news

I have no clue where some of the titles here come from. It's not night yet and there's definitely no news telling going on - at least not here.

I was thinking about what I'll type on here today when it dawned on me briefly that if I had no thumbs that very thought won't be crossing my mind. Thank you God for my thumbs. I still have no clue what I'm doing here, though. I mean that literally... as in what am I on earth for. I believe in God. I believe that the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments. I believe that the greatest commandment is love. And I think that that's what John was trying to pass along in 1 John 4 when talks about confessing that Jesus is the son of God and then about love. He repeats over and over that anyone that confesses Jesus has God and then if we love it's because we have God in us. In my own little faulty logic I equate confessing Jesus with loving my brother based on that passage. But I digress. The question of life - the real one, not the one whose answer is 42 - that's the one I'm talking about.

I think I know the answer at least as it concerns me. Let me rephrase, I think I have a clue what the answer is. I think I'm too scared to think it out loud because it would bust my bubble - it may entail letting go of everything I hold dear. It would entail surrendering and it would entail diligence/consecration. As a kid, I thought I'd be married at 26 but I'm still very single at 28 (I'm so single folks are beginning to try to hook me up). There's a lot I don't know... but there's stuff that I do know... I just don't seem to want to believe it or accept it.

O well...

It's amazing the things that motivate us. For instance, I've been battling this bad habit for a while now. And then I realized that it could end up affecting someone that I don't even talk to that much and suddenly I'm exercising will power and standing in the face of temptation. What worries me is not that I'm probably doing it for probably the wrong reasons (I don't think I am) but that if she can motivate my from so far away what won't she be able to motivate me to do if proximity wasn't an issue? But whatever!

So now you know I've got issues (don't we all?). What you may not know, though, is that it's another sabbath starting tonight. I'll take that anyday, anytime over any thing else... the chance to rest in God's freedom.

Friday, 11 June 2010

if you fall...

Lisa McClendon has this song about falling. Well the song is actualing about getting up again but that's one of the beauties of life - you can choose to see life as you see fit. In some quarters it's called "freedom of choice". The problem is that that phrase, apt as it may seem, has been so abused and misused that... I don't know where this is going so I'll just let it go.

Last sabbath afternoon was my best sabbath in a long time. After church towards the evening we just sat down and talked about the bible. Specifically we talked about sinlessness. I'm one of those guys that's read so many of those bible verses. See how that last sentence haerdly makes sense in and of itself? Well that's what I've been doing. It reminds me of God talking to Amos about how the children of Isreal had done the impossible in their sin (read it for yourself). We do impossible things everyday - scary impossible things. In any case, the whole discuss started because after reading 1 John 5 (I hope that chapter exists) where it says we should be sinless someone asked if we could really be sinless ever. I'll skip to what we believe the Holy Spirit said to us - Yes, you can be holy but no you'll never get to the point where you can say "I am holy" because it's God in you that makes you holy.

Since last sabbath I've fallen so hard so fast it scares me to type it. But this morning I was reading Peter and I came across that verse where it says God knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation. I think I needed that more than I needed forgiveness... I think! I tell you more thing - there's a God alright.

I've been learning Qt mainly because of my phone. So I've put a few weeks into this app and then find out that there's a more complete app out there that does just that. Well here's what I think: screw that I'm going to complete what I'm writing, put it up in the garage and of course install it on my phone. There's one person that would use the - ME. To be honest, though, I wont be recommending that anybody use software that I write. I still cannot believe that people pay me to write software... seriously.
My thoughts on Qt though are mostly positive. In fact the only gripe I have with it is the documentation - now the documentation just sucks. That said, it's a really nice GUI tool. I started out created Java based windows apps in the days and quite frankly Qt rocks in comparison. The fact that I programming for a linux based phone also helps too. Hopefully, I'll be done from next week and I'll be able to move on to other things (did I hear someone mention a port to android?).

World cup's started (condolenses to Mandela and his family) and I can tell you authoritatively that naija will win the tournament (what kind of naija dude would I be otherwise... plus it's just about the only thing that unites us so the longer the better). I'm not going to tell you who I think will be going home early (not scared I dont just want to jinx my naija prophecy). I'm going to tell you though that it includes one of the world's superpowers and I'm talking about England.

Talking about England I still don't get why people says I've got a british accent. But I like the fact that the lady at the security desk tries her best to pronounce my full name... all 4 syllables (along with intonation). What I feel for her is mix of admiration and pure empathy - to see a human try so hard and fall so miserably is a humbling experience, I shit you not. God bless her lovely soul.

End of the line... another week bites the dust. I'm loving life!

Friday, 4 June 2010

next time it could be... me

apart from the lack of capital letters (i refuse to bring myself to hold the shift key) nothing's happening this side of the planet. another one of my colleagues left the building today and i have a sneaky feeling...
i was talking to an uncle about the future and he said i should not be scared 'cos the children of God dont beg for bread. of course, my first thot was "children of God? who told u that i qualify?". i really need to go fishing but i dont know how to swim and Lord knows I have no intension of stepping on water unless i can swim. i wish this train ride would continue... forever

more importantly, the world cup is almost here and i'm seriously thinking of getting a tv. this morning i made the mistake of googling pricers and came to one conclusion - the world has gone stark crazy. how else do you explain asking me to pay more than a thousand dollars for a tv - HD or not. seriously, people need reality check - there are starving children in america. so i think i'll just pick up a digital converter and stick with the analog tv @ home. I'll have to connect my laptop to the tv for the non-usa games but that's ok.
speaking of laptops, my comcast internet special expired and my monthly rate got bumped up to $55. so now I'm in a quandry - do i switch to dsl (more value since i get a landline for the same price) but sign a contract or do i continue with comcast without a contract?

my grandma's visiting. ah! i'm so going to gain weight over the next few weeks it's going to be surreal. but more importantly there's an older person i came talk to. it's crazy how as a teenager i hardly spoke to her but how now i listen to her a lot and i respect her counsel. i think part of it has to do with her been willing to accept my point of view more and me been humble even to know that she wants what's best for me and that her words are purely altruistic no matter how painful. we've both evolved. now if only i could say the same about my mum and I ;)

I started reading 1 Peter yesterday. one thing that struck me was how pete was passionate about how my life's got to change because i now live through the power of God by faith. and today pete makes it worse by saying i should honour the government. to be fair to him the verse says something like "honour men, love your brethen, fear God, honour government". Good thing he emphasized the power of God, the work of the Holy Spirit and the death of Jesus in chapter one, otherwise I'd have immediately switched back to reading eccleciates.

I think I'll put brian mcknight's "one last cry" on auto-replay... or not!