There's a point in every man's heart when he does one good thing - makes one good choice. It's not always obvious when or where the choice takes place but that takes nothing away from the magnitude of the occasion. You once said a man ought to know why, if not when, he chooses a path when such a point arrives - I like to think the man ought to know how to decipher such a point first and then the why and the when comes into place.
For instance, the man has to know that God is directing the path that he's chosen. The path no longer remains his but God's. It's called "letting go" in some cultures; in others it's called surrender: The man has to surrender.
Then there's the question of trust. It sounds redundant that trust should become an issue after surrender has been branded about with such impunity. Really, can one surrender without trust? Can one let go without knowing - accepting with all that he is - that the one who would be in charge is actually able to take charge? Or that in the event that the one who would be in charge can't 'take charge' the consequences will be acceptable? Redundancy serves, sometimes, to re-emphasize the obvious - trust serves to expand the concept of surrender. The currency of surrender is trust and faith is the ink with which the denominational value of the 'trust' currency is printed.
A wise man once said "Now these 3 abide: faith, hope and love but the greatest of all is love". Love, that state of being where ideas seem to develop wings of their own and raise the bearer to such heights, perhaps depth, as can't be fathomed by either the disbelieving or the unbelieving. It's a step toward the complete devaluation of the very essence of the bearer in pursuit of some ideal. True love, God himself, will give up his own eternity so that ingrates like myself have a shot, should we so choose, at eternity. True love is becoming like God in every aspect. Letting go of all that I hold dear in exchange for all that He holds dear. Depending on his providence and grace in every circumstance and at every turn that he leads me to. Anticipating, no believing, that it would all work out regardless of where or how things are currently panning out.
That point - the one I talked about in the first paragraph, the one where one makes a good choice - that point is where one chooses or rejects true love, God's love over all else.
Quemi pointed out to me that I had posted this (apparently in error). I wrote this a long time ago. I don't know where it was meant to lead to or why I spent the time to write it. I can only assume that I had just broken some poor damsel's heart and I was writing her a long-winded explanation. Now before you shake your head in disgust at 'men' in general let me say that if I could write this way every weekend I sure would love it. But if it takes breaking someone's heart every weekend to produce this beauty (in the eye of this beholder), then there's something wrong with me...
I just had to spoil it a little. It was getting a little too serious - this post. Faith, Hope and Love. It never gets too serious when we talk about them, though. It never gets old when we start to live out those principles in our lives. God knows the world needs more faith, more hope, and much more love!