It's been forever since I even visited this blog (talk less of actually writing something). I even tried to
pawn off the blog on Qemi - the poor girl has been so busy with 'stuff' it's amazing she had the time to write what she did. Anyway, so Qemi calls me to say
"I posted something" and in my mind I'm thinking
"this is just perfect - I finally found her". Imagine my shock when I read the post and find it's all about
devils, voodoo, black magic and idle hands. I mean, Qemi is my friend.
I've known her since I was like seven. And never in my life would I have imagined she had such a deep grudge to pick with me - devils and idle hands (shakes head in disbelieve) - and she did it all in purple fonts ;).
Anyhow, so it's almost that time of the year. Nope, not the time for taking stock - who wants to do work?!. It's that time when it gets cold, I get holed up in my room because I'm too cheap to afford heating for the whole house and the space heater only works in my room. It's that time of the year that I absolutely detest. When I finally move away from the U.S. it will be to a country where it never snows - like Florida (okay, I kid). But it's also the first time in a long time that I'm home alone. Everybody knows that the word bachelor not only reflects your marital status but also your aloneness status - well I'm only just beginning to enjoy that latter part of bachelorhood. Family is nice and good but I think I understand the whole yankee take on it a little better now that I'm enjoying it - the very personification of "to thy tents o Israel".
I'm just rambling and Louis is to blame :). Imagine my surprise and disbelieve when I woke up to his comment on this here blog, Sunday morning. I actually then went about reading that particular blog. I'll tell you what I think. I think I like my writing style - it still sucks but reading my previous post I felt that like I saw glimpses of the writer I'd like to be if I ever were to become a writer (which I most likely never would be). I also like the content of the blog generally. I could rant about some of the craziest stuff on earth, trust me, but the crazy in me is very self conscious. I was grateful for Louis' comment - I kinda needed it.
Speaking of self-conscious, I read somewhere in Deut 28 (I think) about not been sure about the future and how that is tied to not trusting or obeying God. I like Moses. I remember reading Prophets and Kings (E. G. White) and almost having tears in my eyes when he dies. Anyway, so my understanding is that there is a clear confidence and
surenesscertainty of the future that comes from trusting God - and I'm not talking about the type of cockiness that televangelist generally have. Inversely, if I find myself getting all worried about tomorrow and not sure of the future then there's a good chance that something is wrong with my relationship with God.
I don't know... I needed to hear myself say (or type) that last paragraph. At a little over 60 words per minute the keyboard actually does talk :)