Monday, 24 October 2011

Some Devil Gist!!

The devil is not my friend and I don't roll with him. We don't move in the same circles neither do we live in the same area. I don't know what he looks like nor do I know where he lives. But I do know a lot about him.
I am one with an ear for gists.Infact its easier to hold me down with gists than chains(am not saying I've been bound in chains before). Guess its cos I like to talk a lot too. Sometimes how much I talk bothers me,cos it seems like I'm a talkative,but I know I'm not. Some kind people have pointed that only those who go on and on talking without making sense can be addressed as such. I make sense when I talk(abi?), so am good!
Enough about me,am not the topic of discussion. The devil is!!
I heard the devil is so handsome,a smooth talker with an enchanting voice. He is a lady's man,rumor has told me.He makes the younger girls swoon and them big mums giggle. You would think he doesn't bite,cos he wears innocence on his face. But be ye not mocked,cos the devil is not just his name...but the crux of who he is.
Another hot gist about the friendly devil is that he has a way with the male gender too. He holds them at their jugulars with the 'blessings' he gives. Young men in a hurry to gather as much wealth,older men struggling to retain the power they've held. I've heard of people going to extremes to obtain satisfaction, and the funny thing is, they can always count on the devil to help them out.
You'll see some ladies too. Not minding who they are or who they'll end up being,take to vicious acts.
The gist goes on and on, but if I were to give all of it wouldn't that make me a gossip! You know,spreading gist about the devil and all...
I don't know how he does it,but the devil sure knows his way around though. Remember I said I don't know his house? Well,that's cos he doesn't have one!
The devil has a workshop and its a very large one. You'll be shocked at how much activity goes on in there. Surprising gist is that, this workshop is not located in one place,its scattered all over.Odd thing is,its also not a physical shop.
You see,this 'man' called devil is a supernatural being. He is really powerful and can even take the form of whomever he pleases. He can enter into a human being and operate like a force, controlling the mind.The 'host' often time doesn't know of this new development. Most times, only those on the outside can tell when the devil has taken charge of an individual.
The devil in his power exists in varying magnitude in different people. This all depends on how much space is available within such individuals. In some,he only controls the way they talk,some its the way they dress. In others, it could be the lifestyle they maintain while it could also be seen in the general way they live.
Sometimes even those who think they have managed to keep him out of their systems still fall prey of his domination. He is no respecter of self.
Its no wonder I hear people say 'its the devil in people that makes them act the way they do'. Those who we think can't be hosts to the devil,sometimes leave room for him in their hearts. He being who he is,will be quick to take residence.
You ask the reason for all this my rambling? I'm out to make us conscious of the devil. If you see some persons act wicked,greedy,extremely smooth,deceptive,unruly and so on(try fill in other words), just know its the devil in him/her.
Always keep busy with something just, that's the only way to keep the devil out. The devil doesn't do a permanent good. He gives,but takes away after a while. He should not be a company to keep. If he catches you off guard,with the minutest space in your heart, know you are in for some trouble as he will turn a gap to a broad way....;) Initially it all smells fresh and looks rosy,but after a while,the scent grows stale and the petals of the rose fade away.
The devils workshop is indeed a stage for showcasing opposition acts to whatever is right.
'An idle mind is the devil's workshop' isn't just a fancy statement....after all!